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Personal Statement

Before I started my first semester at the University of North Georgia, I wasn’t sure where I was about to go. I had nothing but video games and music on my mind. Since I also had an interest in in films and with the behind the scenes production, I felt that the film program would go right for me. When I took the seminar into film and digital media class, I was assigned to help on another student’s film set and write a report about it. That when I had my first moment on a film set. I learned on respecting everyone’s time and schedule and how work behind the camera was. I also learn about networking which soon became a huge lesson with working with other people. I would get called to work on other people’s sets. I eventually met more people I eventually became a podcast host for the college radio club, a video editor, and a foley artist.


What I felt like I learned on any project if it’s a film set or a broadcasting event is that the goal of reaching the result is that everyone plays a part whether it’s above or below the line of production, you provide your role or maybe help another during the production. I felt like once I’m a project, I will provide and help in any way. If someone was just sitting around doing nothing at all, then what was his/her purpose? And what was the point of being here in the first place? Making a film is and usually a group effort. Doing nothing on set gets you kicked off which even shows that if you’re doing nothing, you accomplished nothing.


- Kameron Stephens

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